Mandi's Library


There are the Winie Langton's stories by Vivien Holloway. There are short stories about a thief family. Winie Langton is a good thief, who wants to steal the "Masterkey". This key opens all door, all lock and everything.


But the plan went wrong. So Winie step into a trouble. The girl must help for a boy, who want to find his inheritence from his mother. Winie must teach this boy, that he will be a great thief. And the boy gives the Masterkey for the girl for the help into an exchange.


In the second part, Winie sufferd from her past. Her aquaintance made a lot of problem for Winie. At the end she came to the biggest danger in her life.


In the part three we can read about, how Winie can save her life. What happen with his family...


There are short steampunk-novel with strange characters, with interesting situation and some actions.


Gayle Forman - If I Stay 1-2.

If I Stay - Gayle Forman Where She Went - Gayle Forman

I wanted to cry from the sorrow. I wanted to cry because of these books.


It wasn't... because of Mia. Mia is that type of character, who is unlovely for me. She loves music as nobody/nothing else. I couldn't believe that Mia loves Adam, but I believed that Mia loves (only) music... 


I loved Adam in the first book, but it changed in the second part. Why? He turn into a foolish boy, who is angry, because he was left by Mia. But Mia made the mistakes... 

No, I cannot understand Adam and Mia. This connecting is a one side relationship: Adam loves Mia, but Mia loves her world with music. Adam isn't a part of Mia's life...


I understand that Mia survived a trouble accident, she lost her family... She did selfishly. She blames Adam for everything...


And at the end, they are in a huge as if what would not have happened... 


It's not a touching love story, it's the Mia's Show Story... (especial the second book). 





Brandon Hackett - Az időutazás napja

Az időutazás napja - Brandon Hackett

One of my favorite Hungarian sci-fi writer is Brandon Hackett. He has a lot of interesting stories (for example: Az ember könyve - Book of the people (?)) in sci-fi environment.


This is the newest book from the author. It deals with travel in time and with family. It is similar to Back the future films. A researcher makes a time-machine, and he backs in time. Because of the time-machine the end of the world is nearer and nearer...


I think, it is a good book. I like it, because it has a lot of unforeseen events, lots of actions, really characters etc...




U can read more about it on my blog... 



Katherine A. Applegate - Animorphs series

The Invasion - Katherine Applegate The Visitor - Katherine Applegate The Message - Katherine Applegate The Encounter - Katherine Applegate

I read this series in this week. It has 4 books in Hungarian, so I finished these books... 


It would be a YA-sci-fi story, but the kids are booooring and idiots. They waste their time, so I don't know, how they want to save the world. They save animals, they save their family, but they are illogical... They are childish... Sometimes I cannot understand, why they do, what they do... 

They could attack Wisser, when he eats... But the children don't mind it... Why??? Why is it the most important, that they save a bird? 

So, the kids are very stupid - particularly the girls...


This series have a tv-series with 26 episodes, and 54 books (in English). This series is failed in Hungary (there are 4 books, and there is unknown the tv-series). 


I'm not surprised... This is not my favorite YA-sci-fi series... I read better for example from Nick James (The pearl wars), etc... 


(I recommend Nick James's books.) 




The link show my real blog, where you can read my longer opinion in Hungarian.


Rachel Ward - The drowning

The Drowning - Rachel Ward The Chaos - Rachel Ward Numbers: Book 1 - Rachel Ward Infinity - Rachel Ward

I like Rachel Ward's books. She write so interesting stories... So, it was the fist series: Numbers. I loved it, because it has a lot of lesson... real people had real problems (in a little bit mystical environment). 


Now The Drowning is a different story with a different feeling. It's a little bit thriller, a little bit mystical... We can see Rachel Ward's another side. This book deals with violence in the family. 


I hope I can read more and more books from Rachel Ward. 


Stephenie Meyer - The short second life of Bree Tanner

The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner - Stephenie Meyer

It's some different as Twilight Saga. Bree is a cute, naive character, who could be liked by the reader. She is a little bit strong, a little bit helpless...


I liked the story, and Bree Tanner. (Poor Bree :( )


(My longer opinion on the link... - in Hungarian)


Neil Gaiman - Oceans of the End of the lake

The Ocean at the End of the Lane - Neil Gaiman

I think, Neil Gaiman is a Wizard... He makes magic with all of his books... One of my favorite author... 


(Link to my longer opinion - in Hungarian)


Holly Black - White Cat

White Cat - Holly Black

Amazing book with an amazing world. I want to live in this world as a curse workers :)




Bane Krónikák 3.

Vampires, Scones, and Edmund Herondale - Cassandra Clare, Sarah Rees Brennan

A Bane Krónikák három messze felülmúlja az első két kötetet. (Kifejtés a címre kattintva.)

Benyák Zoltán - A háború gyermeke

Nem egy tipikus Benyák Zoltán könyv. Egy teljesen másik oldaláról ismerni meg vele az írót...

(részletesebben a blogon)


Egy Zizi naplója 3 (Dork Diaries 3)

Tales from a Not-So-Talented Pop Star - Rachel Renée Russell

It was not my book... It was boring, and the main character... is in the "no comment" category.

""Az Ürdög csak bennünk létezik. Ott kopogtat mindannyiunk lelkében, s ha egyszer szállást adunk neki, többé nem verhetjük ki onnan." (Kálmán Mari - Talyigás Irma és az Ürdög)"

Calderon, avagy hullajelölt kerestetik

Calderon, avagy hullajelölt kerestetik - On Sai Megigézett, elvarázsolt, beszippantott, lebegtetett, aztán elengedett, hadd lebegjek tovább... Röviden így lehet leírni mindazt, ami történt. Megigézett a borító, elvarázsolt Calderon, észre sem vettem, de máris beszippantott a történet, miközben helyenként a világűrben lebegtetett, végül pedig kilökött, hogy keressek más olvasnivalót.


Átkozott Balszerencse

Átkozott Balszerencse - Ágnes Gaura olvastatja magát a könyv, a történet úgy sodor előre, mint egy Attila általi keltett ciklon, miközben még mindig isteni a humora, megvan a nyomozás élménye, és egyszerűen a kézbe ragad...


Eleven testek

Eleven testek - Isaac Marion ez egy agymenés... egy naiv lányka álomvilága válik valóra, mintha Alicet bedobták volna egy rakat zombi közé...


Ragnarök - Bíró Szabolcs Egy könyv, ahol a vikingek legendája találkozik Arthur királyéval, és a Kerekasztal lovagjaival... Ahol a Medve rendjében tényleg van egy igazi medve, ahol egy vajákos banya tucatszor meghal, hogy élhessen, ahol a hősök is hajókat lopnak, és falvakat mészárolnak...

Currently reading

Das Spiel
Krystyna Kuhn
How to Be a Man
Tamara Linse